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Who are Hispanics/Latinos in the US?

When it comes to the U.S population, there is a stereotyped image about Hispanics/Latinos.
Brands mistakenly assume that there is only one way to be Latino, when in reality, there are multiple characteristics and differences that make up their identity. But the diversification of the population is eliminating myths about who Hispanics are, which forces a rethinking of this audience as a multiplicity of cultures, with diversity becoming increasingly evident with new generations. With this new White Paper, you can understand the importance of Hispanics in the US in a hypercultural future.

  • The reality of Hispanics/Latinos in the US beyond the common stereotype.
  • What trait identifies the Hispanic community and what are the differences between cultures?
  • Generations and their behaviors, preferences.
  • The foundations of the acculturation process of Hispanics/Latinos.

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